The Top Five Endangered animals in the Philippines
The Philippine Eagle
The Philippine Eagle is regarded as the rarest and the most powerful birds in the world.
Philippine eagle is also the national bird of the Philippines.
One of the foremost causes of population decline is habitat loss or deforestation.
The Philippine Spotted Dear
1996, there were around 2,500 species of Philippine spotted dear in the world.
Scientists are not sure about exactly how many species are left now.
These deer feeds primarily on leaves, buds, and grasses.
The Philippine freshwater crocodile
These crocodiles are considered to be critically endangered species due to unsustainable fishing.
The Philippine Tarsier
These animals are found in the south-eastern region of the archipelago.
Tamaraw is critically endangered species as they were subject to extreme hunting, habitat loss, and logging.
The population of these species are now limited to a few grassy plains.
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The Top Five Endangered Plants in the Philippines
The Waling-waling is a flower in the family of orchids.
In 2004 it was declared as the national flower of the Philippines that would substitute for the jasmine.
It is extinct due to excessive collecting.
This tree is much in demand as a chief source of Manila copal and for its high-quality timber used for many general purposes.
It is planted as an enrichment crop inadequately stocked areas or under-planted in existing plantations, as it needs partial shade in the early stages of its development.
Jade Vine
The Jade Vine is considered vulnerable to extinction due to extensive deforestation.
Kris plant
Due to the changing climate, the Kris plant can be quite difficult to keep alive as it will not accept sub standard care or incorrect conditions for very long.
Droppings palm

Droppings The palm is under threat by the destruction of its habitat, and over-collection of its seeds.
Humans are largely responsible when animals become extinct, endangered or threatened. Here are some reasons why animals become endangered;
Destruction of Habitat:
Humans destroy precious habitat - the natural environment of a living thing - when they fill swamps and marshes, rivers and dams cut down trees to build homes, roads and other developments.
Oil spills, acid rain and water pollution have been devastating for many species of fish and birds.
Hunting and Fishing:
Many animals are over-hunted because their meat, fur and other parts are very valuable.
Exotic Species:
When animals or plants arrive into a new habitat from a foreign place they sometimes introduce diseases that native species can not fight. These "exotic" species can also prey on native species.
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